Sep 26, 2010

Talk is Cheap...Do or Die...

So its been 5 weeks since my last update.

Well, the truth of it is I'm sick of just talking about games.
Talk is cheap, and its a poor substitute for actually making one.

So I'm just going to make one.
Making a game is a very ambitious thing in and of itself.
So I'll need to take care that the game isn't very ambitious in what it offers.
In other words...I'm going to ensure that its a really small game, or else it'll never get done.

So it'll probably more like of those little artsy games you see popping up here and there, like Limbo or Braid. Hopefully it wont be as pretentious as most of those kinds of games usually turn out.
You know, really vague and obscure in their story elements, so much so that you cant understand if they're really is a point or purpose beyond the cool gameplay and visual style.

So the game..

I'm still in the process of working out the immediate details, name, genre, high concept, etc...
I have a rough idea of everything right now, But Id rather show it than tell it at the moment. So stay tuned.
I'll be writing about the project from now until its done. I still might chime in with a normal topic from time to time, but don't count on it.

I'll be doing this under the Kill Joy Interactive label, which is a label of my own creation, funded out of my own pocket. So that means the projects budget somewhere around the 3 cent that I have on my desk here.

1 comment:

James Le Cuirot said...

As ever, I'm very eager to see what you come up with.