Dec 23, 2010

“Is it Co-op or is just two players?

This was an excellent question that I was recently asked about a game I was trying to convince someone to play with me. Its the kind of question that really puts things into perspective.

With companies seeming to make a push away from the single player only direction, I think this a question we'll start to see a lot more of.

Dec 5, 2010

Talking With Your Fists...

So I've been working a lot on the melee combat of the game,
and I'm discovering a great deal about combat in gaming in general.

Nov 11, 2010

And now for something different...

I'm changing the direction of the game here.

When I started the idea was to make a really sweet medieval fantasy dungeon crawler/hack n slash.
Maybe its just me...maybe I'm only aware of them because I'm making one...
(Like how everyone seems to suddenly drive the same car you drive right after you get a new one?)

Oct 29, 2010

Domestic Violence: Player Combat And the Game World

So a few nights ago I added the beginings of combat...

it was literally a game changer...

Oct 20, 2010

Son of the Game...

So for a while I've been hard at work on KJInt's first game project.
However, its not the game I started out making or that I described in the previous posts.

Instead I was testing out a simple idea, and it took on the life of a project of its own.
And so here we are, with the first post about it being all about Version 2.

Sep 30, 2010

The Details...

Ok the details

Honestly at this point they're not any clearer, but that's not for lack of trying.
I've had so many ideas come and go and comeback for a visit over the last couple of days.
The main hold up is that I'm not really sure whether or not I'd like to make an action game or an adventure game somewhere along the lines of Monkey Island, Or better , RE1 without the zombies and shooting. I think after that has been decided the rest will fall in place.

Sep 26, 2010

Talk is Cheap...Do or Die...

So its been 5 weeks since my last update.

Well, the truth of it is I'm sick of just talking about games.
Talk is cheap, and its a poor substitute for actually making one.

Aug 18, 2010

The Free World

Freedom is appealing.
As players its a major draw for us.
And there are many games that offer us this freedom, in the form of the “Open World “and while a fair amount of them are good, they have something in common with the open world games that are bad.

They still suck....

Aug 7, 2010

Oh The Horror!

Any good horror production, should be more than blood and gore and be able to play on the mind of the viewer by doing things like altering perception, provoking emotions, and exploring and exploiting basic fears.
In other words, their should be a big psychological element to it.

I think most people will agree with that.

But why is it that most of the horror offerings in gaming aren't very strong?
Well here's what I think the problem is...

Jul 30, 2010

The Character Of My Character is My Character?

Character customization.

This is one of the biggest draws for me about a game

Give me an avatar and then give me the power to really make him my own.
Or better yet, give me a blank slate and set me free!

Lots of games offer customization, more so now than they used to, and I hope its something that continues to grow. But that customization usually stops at the face, about 5 or 6 generic hair styles, and a handful of clothing sets from the early the 90's when we were just coming off the silliness of the 80's.

But beyond visual appearance...
Is their anything we can do to add more “character” to our character?

Jul 23, 2010

Know Your Role, MMORPGs Dont Exist.

No such thing as an MMORPG

Not really...

The MMO I don't doubt. that certainly exists.
Its the RPG part I take issue with.
Specifically the R

Jul 20, 2010

Digital Distibution Only

I love the idea of a digital distribution exclusive gaming society.
It would be so cool and know what?

Maybe I don't like the idea as much as I thought.
Theirs something about it I just cant get around.

Jul 15, 2010

Think Smaller

It seems like several key players in the industry are saying the same thing lately.
The the hyper expensive triple A title project model needs to go, or at least need not be focused as much as it has in the past, and that the industry as a whole needs to focus on smaller projects.

I think most peoples initial response is “Fuck that! and Farmvile too!”
I know mine was.
But theyre right...

Jul 5, 2010

One Huge Cutscene.

Recently I was asked to undertake the development phase of a story project that might see some life as a limited video series. Out of respect for the projects creator, I wont speak on the project in detail, but I will say that I think its a very unique and interesting one.

It was surprising to me how quickly I defaulted to game design methodology for the development of the project, and even more surprising to see how much of it actually worked out and what didn't.